The latest [ZALORA] discount code/offer/code/Coupon/Discount/Promo Code in 2025

  • ZALORA has a 30-day return guarantee. If customers find that the clothes do not fit after buying, they can fill out the return application form on the ZALORA APP or website, and then take it to a designated 7-11 convenience store, or return it through SF Express.
  • Shopping shipping: ZALORA direct delivery
    Buy HK$349 or above, and enjoy free shipping under weight (3kg)
    If the weight is less than HK$349, the shipping fee will be HK$40 if the weight is less than (3kg) | If the weight is more than (3kg), the shipping fee will be added
  • Shopping shipping: Merchant direct delivery
    Buy HK$349 or above, and enjoy free shipping under weight (3kg)
    Less than HK$349, the weight (3kg) is less than HK$40|The weight is more than (3kg), the same shipping fee
  • To put it simply, ZALORA’s official website offers free shipping for purchases of HK$349 or above. If you don't want to think about it, you can directly refer to the shopping cart screen to know if there is a shipping fee for the order.
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